A Blueprint Every Small Biz Can Use

by | Oct 7, 2019 | Business, Content Aggregation, Content Creation, Digital Marketing, Graphics, Social Media, Technology

Good morning. This is Vanessa Collins, your Certified Digital Implementation Strategist with your Weekly Tech Tip. Remember walking into class back in the day and hearing the teacher say those 2 dreaded words, “Pop Quiz.” Well today is quiz day, but it’s short. How many of you have done something with the following this week: Your Facebook Business Page, Ads, Events or Groups? If you have, give yourself 25 points. Notice that missing 1 of these earns you 75% which is a C in most books. You miss two, you have a big, fat F! If you don’t have a business page or have never run ads, you are in the negative.

If you need help getting started, Facebook has a ton of tools and educational resources. Check out the series of educational videos from Facebook Blueprint which is perfect for businesses that are just getting started with marketing on Facebook. Those two to three-minute videos will walk you through the steps of creating Facebook Business Pages, Events, Ads and Groups.

So, stop making excusing and putting stuff off by saying, “I really need to learn more about Facebook marketing” and let’s get moving. Click the link below. Have a great tech week.


Vanessa Collins

Vanessa Collins

Digital Marketing Implementation Strategist

Vanessa Collins is an author, publisher and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP). Coaches, Speakers, Authors, and Entrepreneurs hire her to show them how to use digital marketing to make more money in their business. Vanessa stays on the cutting edge of technology and provides timely information to her clients so that they can make fast, informed decisions about their business. She has written and published 6 books and has coached or published over 50 authors with over 100 books. She is the creator of Digital Mastery for Authors, Digital Mastery for Women and Digital Mastery Academy.