Facebook Engagement Baiting

by | Jun 11, 2019 | Business, Digital Marketing, Social Media

This is Vanessa Collins, your Certified Digital Marketing Specialist with your Weekly Tech Tip. Does it seem like your Facebook posts have been getting less engagement over the last 6 months? If so, your posts may have been demoted and you didn’t even know it. You have probably heard a bunch of commotion in the internet streets about Facebook’s crackdown on engagement baiting. Engagement baiting is when you tell people to engage with your content. So, posts that say “tag a great woman” or “comment below” are all seen as engagement and clickbaiting.

However, what really started a ruckus a few months ago, some people got an email from Facebook stating that they would not only be screening the written words for engagement bait but also audio. This is huge because this is how we have all be trained to do that in our Facebook lives. “Share this broadcast” “Comment below and tell me where you are from.” “Tag someone that needs to hear this.” All of these are engagement baiting.

So, what’s the answer? Get creative. Produce great content that people will share automatically and use different words. But stay away from Share, Comment and Tag.

Vanessa Collins

Vanessa Collins

Digital Marketing Strategist

Vanessa Collins is an author, publisher and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP). Coaches, Speakers, Authors, and Entrepreneurs hire her to show them how to use digital marketing to make more money in their business. Vanessa stays on the cutting edge of technology and provides timely information to her clients so that they can make fast, informed decisions about their business. She has written and published 6 books and has coached or published over 50 authors with over 100 books. She is the creator of Digital Mastery for Authors, Digital Mastery for Women and Digital Mastery Academy.