Store Your Intellectual Property Properly

by | Feb 11, 2019 | Business, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Technology

This is Vanessa Collins, your Certified Digital Marketing Specialist with your Tech Tuesday Tip. If you are like many entrepreneurs, you are working to improve your content creation game and a big part of that game is making sure you are on top of producing a video. That can be Livestream video, cute little promotion videos or videos from your classes. All those cute little videos need to live somewhere especially your livestream videos. You should be downloading your Lives to repurpose those videos at least every month. Why? What if you get locked out of your Facebook account. You won’t be able to access that content. You need a home for your video content. IPlayerHD can be that home.

IPlayerHd is an affordable video hosting platform that will allow you easily store, share and control access to your video content. You control who sees what. There are a ton of features that will help you monitor and increase conversion on your content as well and it is easier to navigate than Amazon S3. Their packages range from $19 to $29 a month.

So, go to to check it out.

Vanessa Collins

Vanessa Collins

Digital Marketing Specialist

Vanessa Collins is an author, publisher and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP). Coaches, Speakers, Authors, and Entrepreneurs hire her to show them how to use digital marketing to make more money in their business. Vanessa stays on the cutting edge of technology and provides timely information to her clients so that they can make fast, informed decisions about their business. She has written and published 6 books and has coached or published over 50 authors with over 100 books. She is the creator of Digital Mastery for Authors, Digital Mastery for Women and Digital Mastery Academy.